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coursework magazine research

House Style: company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material.
The expression house style refers to the specific usage and editing conventions followed by writers and editors to ensure stylistic consistency in a particular publication or series of publications(newspapers, magazines, journals, websites, books)


  • Possessed by a raw, visceral energy, the first issue consisted of 40 pages that held a mirror up to the British subculture and street style of the time.
  • Hardly surprising when you consider that in the years since i-D started, fashion has gone mainstream and the underground is now something the High Street aspires to.
  • But while i-D now documents high fashion too, it's still laced with the same rebellious spirit as was present in its early issues.
  • "You don't have to wear this watch or that item of clothing to be valid." Thanks to this empowering message, the magazine coined a new currency that revolved around creativity and self-expression - not money - making these the ultimate fashion status symbols.
Explain what you notice about the house style?

  • Tipped on its side, the "i-D" typographic logo reveals a winking smiley. Most issues of i-D have featured a winking cover model.
  • Cover portraits that propelled some of the biggest stars of the period: Sade, Madonna, Grace Jones - all of whom winked for i-D, just like the masthead.
  • In two of these covers the magazine uses two young models that are popular amongst youths as they are seen as aspirations. They are using props such as pizza to achieve the winking logo. they may have purposely used pizza as it is poplar as a treat amongst young adults and youths.
  • The women featured in i-D appear very flirtatious. Women often posing with their shoulders facing the camera, touching their lips or breasts. Make up is still bold, though has some feminine quality to it. I-D magazine shows women and men of different ages, rather than just one age. As the magazine is aimed at a fairly young trendy audience, it shows older members of society as being trendy as well. The younger female models are shown as being sexy and flirty, the older models however are not. The man featured on the front cover are not shown to be sexy or flirty. In the images to the right, the man is shown with completely straight faces. I-D has more negative stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are a lot more apparent in i-D. They conform to the idea that women are sexual objects, and that men are emotionless. Though their representation of older generations is perhaps a step forward, as it breaks the stereotype that old people are un cool, unattractive and perhaps uninteresting.
